
When 280 characters just isnt enough.

Cloudflare - Identity Week 2022

Cloudflare’s innovation weeks in 2021 brought so much more the Platform. I spent some time thinking about what I would like to see from Cloudflare this year. Here are my top 3 asks of what I would like to see from Cloudflare Identity week. If you work at Cloudflare and reading this, please forward to @eastdakota, @jgrahamc or whoever else might be the right person. Identity Week Identity week kicks off an innovation week focussed on a series of identity improvements to the Cloudflare product suite....

Its never too early to focus on developers

Most people have seen Steve Ballmer dance about developers developers developers! If you haven’t you absolutely should. Ballmer might have had an interesting way of going about it, but if you are a tech company, you need that enthusiasm for your developers. Sure he may have been talking about external developers, but I firmly believe that feeling should apply to developers at your company too! When you are a small company it might be as simple as part of one of your engineer’s time, and at a larger place it might be a dedicated team, but one thing remains true, you need to give your engineers the right tools to be productive....

What to look for in your job

I used to be one of those people who jumped jobs once every ~2 years. I’ve now been at Bolt for about 2.5 years, and a few close friends asked me if I was okay given I haven’t switched jobs yet 😂. I was amused, but the truth is, I am actually so happy right now and there has been absolutely no reason to look for a change! One of the things I’ve talked to a lot of engineers about recently is what I look for in my job....

Breaking up your CircleCI yaml into multiple files

As an org if you use CircleCI, over time you will notice that config file really increase in length. One of the repos I worked on hit ~3000 lines. It starts becoming unwieldy, reviewing changes is hard and making changes is harder still. Sadly CircleCI doesn’t support reading from multiple files. But do not fret, this blog post will show you how you can do this. Turns out Circle built most of what is required, into their CLI....

Safely making breaking changes on a Github repo

Recently we were working on migrating our backend repo to use go modules. Now given the size of our repo this was a huge change that involved changing almost every .go file in the repo. We managed to make this change in a safe manner keeping master green and this post explains how we did this using Github and CircleCI. The hard part of changes like this are mostly around communication....

The curious case of the broken credit card form

I work at Spoke and we have a great QA team. Once when I asked angad from our QA team how things were looking, his reply was “there aren’t any issues yet.” One morning our QA team pinged us to let us know that our credit card forms didn’t work on IE. We use Stripe Elements for our billing purposes. Stripe Elements works in a very interesting way, you create an empty div where you want the credit card input to show up, and Stripe does all the heavy lifting by inserting an iframe which accepts the credit card info and returns an opaque token, which cannot be used to reconstruct the credit card data....

Google OnHub - What it is missing

A colleague ordered the OnHub and I got a chance to mess around with it. I was disappointed. What I expected was a device that makes WiFi very simple, and yet has power features. It is definitely one step in the right direction but has quite a way to go. The internet is scattered with reviews about the OnHub and what it does and how it does them (Wired, The Verge)....